What if my AI makes something up?

One of the biggest problems with AI is their tendency to make things up, dubbed hallucination, leading to inaccuracies in content marketing.


Claim Detection

Often the solution to AI failing at a task is to introduce more AI to solve the failures! Using Tavily search your AI agent can look up and fact check any claims made in your content...More


Mike Taylor

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1. Scenario
In the upsert office, Sally asks everyone to gather round.
Sally Valentine
at Upsert

I've seen some AI-generated content that's really convincing, but it's important that we can't be making false claims in our content

AI can be incredibly powerful, but it's also prone to making things up. We need to be able to distinguish fact from fiction.

This course is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, data, places, events and incidents in this course are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

2. Brief

Claim Detection: Unveiling the Truth with AI

In the era of AI-generated content, one common issue that arises is claim detection. AI has the ability to create content, but it also has the tendency to fabricate claims, making up quotes, statistics, and even entire events that never actually occurred. This weak point of AI, however, can be effectively addressed using AI itself.

Imagine this scenario: you have an article based on a real story from a reputable source, like The New York Times. You decide to put it to the test by asking an AI model to rewrite the story while adding a few fake elements. These fake elements include stating that a court has voided Elon Musk's pay package, attributing a fabricated quote to a lawyer, and making up a statistic about Musk's ownership percentage in Tesla. Now, the challenge is to detect these false claims.

To tackle this task, a diligent copy editor utilizes AI to detect any claims that need to be fact-checked. The editor uses a prompt that specifies the types of claims to look for, such as statistics, quotes, anecdotes, and instructions. By employing AI, the editor aims to quickly and inexpensively identify any claims that may need verification.

The AI model is then run with a low temperature setting to minimize the likelihood of it making up false claims. The results are promising. The model successfully identifies both the true claims and the fake ones that were intentionally inserted. This demonstrates the potential of AI in detecting claims and investigating their veracity.

To further enhance the fact-checking process, the editor employs a tool called TabT, which provides web search capabilities to AI agents. This tool enables the AI model to validate claims by performing a web search and presenting the results, including links, content, and relevance scores. This information proves invaluable in determining the accuracy of the claims.

To streamline the process even further, the editor utilizes the Q&A search feature within TabT. This feature allows the AI model to directly ask a question based on the claim and context. The model then receives an answer, eliminating the need for additional calls or human intervention. In this case, the claim that the court voided Elon Musk's pay package is found to be invalid, as recent shareholder voting reaffirmed his compensation package.

The power of AI in fact-checking lies in its ability to swiftly access up-to-date information. AI models can easily verify claims by cross-referencing multiple sources, eliminating the need for labor-intensive human fact-checking

3. Tutorial

  Hey, you can talk about claim detection. Because this is a common issue in creating content with AI. It makes things up hallucinates and. It comes up with quotes that didn't actually happen. It makes up statistics. They're out of date. It's typically something that is a weak point of AI, but the interesting thing is that you can actually use AI to solve AI's own problems.

4. Exercises
5. Certificate

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