What's our cost per qualified lead?

Working out the cost per qualified lead oftentimes requires a long-winded manual process, involving waiting for sales to follow up in the CRM. In practice it’s better to do this programmatically based on specific attributes you both agree are indicators of lead quality. That way you can optimize in near-real-time.


Lead Scoring

All the leads in the world don’t matter if they’re not qualified...More


Mike Taylor

Built a 50-person growth agency.
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Excel experience recommended.
1. Scenario
Vexnomics Office – Optimization Sprint Meeting
You’re talking about your great results and how you brought down the cost per lead, but your boss walks in and asks how many are qualified. You have no idea: sales haven't been through all the leads yet, and probably won’t get to it for weeks.
Charlotte Cook
at Vexnomics

Waiting for sales to update the CRM is a path to madness

We need our own qualification system

Let me talk to sales and get an understanding of what historically converted

Then we’ll use those attributes to build a lead scoring system

That way we can optimize in near real-time

This course is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, data, places, events and incidents in this course are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

2. Brief

Lead scoring is a way for sales and marketing teams to prioritize their efforts and focus on the leads that are most likely to turn into paying customers. This is done by assigning each lead a score based on a set of criteria that are relevant to the organization's goals and target audience. For example, a lead's score might be determined by their demographic information, behavior data, and firmographic data.

Demographic information includes details about a lead's age, gender, and location, while behavior data includes information about how the lead has interacted with the organization in the past, such as which pages they have visited on the organization's website and how often they have opened and clicked on marketing emails. Firmographic data, on the other hand, includes information about the lead's company, such as its size and industry.

The goal of lead scoring is to help sales and marketing teams be more efficient and effective in their efforts. By prioritizing the leads that are most likely to convert, organizations can make the most of their time and resources. Lead scoring can also provide sales teams with a clear understanding of which leads are most valuable, allowing them to make more strategic decisions about how to pursue new business opportunities.

Overall, lead scoring is a valuable tool that can help organizations of all sizes and industries improve their sales and marketing efforts and drive more revenue. By prioritizing their leads, sales and marketing teams can focus on the ones that are most likely to become paying customers, ultimately helping the organization achieve its goals.

3. Tutorial

00:01 Hey, I'm just gonna walk you through how to qualify your leads more programmatically. And we're gonna do this in a Google sheet.

Lead Qual - Vexnomics
4. Exercises
5. Certificate

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