Using LangChain + Llama3 Locally with LMStudio

Learn how to setup a local, private, quantised model with an OpenAI compatible API server that you can directly interact with via LMStudio and LangChain.


Local LLM Inference

The popularity of projects like LMStudio, PrivateGPT, llama...More


James Anthony Phoenix

Data Engineer | Full Stack Developer
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1. Scenario
You've just finished your morning tasks and are eager to start a lunchtime catch up with the team.
Sally Valentine
at Upsert

Alright, everyone, let's get started with our lunchtime working session! Today, we're going to learn about using LangChain + Llama3 locally with LMStudio.

The skill we'll be focusing on is local LLM inference.

Now, imagine this scenario: You're working on a marketing campaign and you want to generate article outlines quickly and efficiently.

With local LLM inference, you'll be able to interact with Llama3 directly on your own machine, without relying on external servers.

This means you can experiment with different models and generate article outlines in JSON format right from your Jupyter Notebook. No more waiting for server responses or dealing with slow internet connections.

By mastering local LLM inference, you'll have the power to generate high-quality article outlines in a fraction of the time. So, let's dive in and discover the possibilities together!

This course is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, data, places, events and incidents in this course are either the product of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

2. Brief

The landscape of large language models (LLMs) is continuously evolving, offering more sophisticated tools for users to harness the power of language models locally. LMStudio, with its recent integration of Llama 3, exemplifies this progress by enabling enhanced local language model inference capabilities. This discussion delves into the conceptual framework and utility of using LMStudio in conjunction with Llama 3.

LMStudio serves as a robust platform for local deployment of language models. This integration is particularly beneficial for users who seek to leverage the advanced computational abilities of large-scale models without relying on cloud services. The appeal of LMStudio lies in its ability to offer a controlled, customizable environment where one can experiment with different models, including the notably efficient Meta AI's 8 billion parameter Llama 3 model.

Choosing the right model involves considering several factors such as model size, quantization level, and hardware compatibility. Generally, larger models with less aggressive quantization are preferable for those with access to substantial GPU resources, as they tend to deliver better performance by fully utilizing the graphical processing unit's capabilities.

Once a suitable model is selected and loaded into LMStudio, users can engage directly with Llama 3. LMStudio's interface facilitates straightforward interactions with the model, supported by features like the "AI chat" option which allows users to converse with the model once it is operational on their local machine.

Further extending its functionality, LMStudio offers a "playground" mode for multimodal sessions and a "local server" feature that mimics API endpoints similar to those provided by major cloud-based services like OpenAI. This local server functionality is crucial for users who prefer or require local data processing, providing a gateway to execute language model inference without external data transmission.

For practical application, you can employ additional tools such as Jupyter notebooks to script and manage your interactions with Llama 3 through the local server setup. This setup involves configuring the server settings to interact seamlessly with the local deployment, facilitating a range of tasks from generating textual content to more complex data processing tasks.

3. Tutorial

  Now let's explore how you can use Lang chain locally with Lama three, using LM studio. Now, the first thing you're going to need to do is download LM studio onto your local machine. You can get this from LM , we'll also put the link inside of this chat, GBT Latin.

4. Exercises
5. Certificate

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